What are Exosomes?

In the ever-evolving landscape of skincare, exosomes have emerged as a revolutionary tool in the pursuit of radiant, youthful skin and hair regeneration. Rooted in recent scientific research and backed by peer-reviewed studies, exosomes offer a multifaceted approach to skin rejuvenation and hair regrowth.

Exosomes are small nano-sized vesicles that are produced and released by stem cells in the body. Exosomes carry a variety of molecules including proteins, lipids and other bioactive substances between cells. Exosomes in the skin are like tiny messengers that carry important signals between skin cells, helping to regulate processes like cell growth, repair, and communication, which ultimately contribute to healthy skin function and appearance.

SKIN BENEFITS - strengthen skin barrier, tighten skin, reduce wrinkles and pore size,

reduce pigmentation, improve texture and radiance, encourage wound healing.

HAIR BENEFITS - restores and strengthens hair follicles, stimulates hair growth,

improves scalp health, increases hair density and thickness.

Are Exosomes safe?

Exosomes have been used widely in South Korea for the last 10 years however, they hit the Australian market in 2020 by a leading South Korean company called Exomide. The manufacturing for Exomide involved cell collection, purification, filtration with rigorous quality control and testing through the entire process. The ampules include 5 - 10 billion exosomes per treatment plus 17 types of amino acids, 6 peptides, 8 hyaluronic acids as well as niacinamide and glutathione. There are instances when the Exosomes should not be used such as:

  • Under 18 years of age

  • Lactating mothers

  • During pregnancy

  • Certain medical conditions and medications

 What does Exosome treatment involve?

On your first appointment your practitioner will complete a thorough consultation where you will discuss concerns and treatment goals. This is to determine whether treatment is suitable for your concerns. If you are wanting sculp treatment, please come with clean washed hair. For under-eye treatment, the area will be numbed to increase comfort. Treatment includes using a device that creates small channels into the dermis, the exosomes are then massaged into the target area.

How many Exosome treatments do I need?

SKIN - 4 treatments once per month (repeat yearly)

HAIR - 4 treatments 2 weeks apart (repeat yearly)

What are the side effects of Exosomes?

While exosome therapy is generally considered safe, potential risks and side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, or discomfort at the treatment area. Rarely, individuals may experience allergic reactions or infection. It’s essential to undergo treatment under the supervision of an experienced Aesthetic healthcare provider to minimize risks and ensure optimal outcomes.

Anti-wrinkle post treatment care:

We ask that you follow these basic instructions to ensure the best possible outcome.

  • Avoid touching the area straight after treatment, keep area clean and dry

  • Avoid make-up for 24 hours

  • No heavy exercising or direct heat exposure for 24 hours

  • Avoid Saunas, solarium, Sun and swimming for 24 hours

  • Avoid active skincare eg Vit C, AHA, BHA, Glycolic, Retinol etc for 5 days

  • Avoid injectables, facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, waxing and any laser to the face for 2 weeks

  • Take antiviral medication of needed