What are PDO Mono Threads?

PDO Mono Threads are a fine thread made form Polydioxanone which is an absorbable polyer. This thread is deposited under the skin via a small needle. The thread causes an inflammatory response stimulating neocollagenesis (new collagen formation) causing thicker, tighter skin that can be seen 2-3 months after treatment when the thread has completely dissolved.

Are PDO Mono Threads safe?

PDO mono threads are a relatively safe procedure, they have been FDA approved for cosmetic purposes worldwide but can only be performed by a trained doctor or nurse.

There are instances where threads can not be used such as

-       Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers

-       Some autoimmune disorders (must have clearance from a specialist)

-       Keloid scarring

-       Allergic to Polydioxanone

-       Post-inflammatory pigmentation

What is involved in PDO Mono Thread treatment?

On your first appointment, your practitioner will complete a thorough consultation where you will discuss concerns and treatment goals. This is to determine whether treatment is suitable for you. Numbing cream is then applied to the treating area for about 20-30 minutes. The procedure involves inserting anywhere between 20 – 100 threads. Discomfort is about 2-5/10 pain. Please note, this treatment is not suited for those who are not good with needles.

PDO Mono Thread treatment can be performed on the same day as antiwrinkle and dermal fillers, however, they can not be used on the same area. E.g. You can have antiwrinkle to frown and forehead and have PDO Mono Threads to smokers lines and nasolabial folds.

If you want PDO Mono Threads to the same area you must wait 3 weeks.

How long does PDO Mono Thread treatment last?

After treatment you can be swollen / bruised, you will not see results until 2-3 months after treatment, this is when you will come back in for a review. You may need another treatment at the review, if not it is recommended to retreat in 6-12 months.

What are the side effects of PDO Mono Threads?

Side effects of PDO Mono Thread treatment are minor but can include bruising, swelling, infection, body rejecting threads, small pimple-like bumps on the skin called (inflammatory papules) caused by the thread being placed too superficial, these resolve spontaneously in 6-12 weeks. Some people may experience a sharp sting or electric shock when making certain facial expressions after treatment, this will resolve in about 3 weeks.

PDO Mono Thread pre-treatment care:

-       Avoid alcohol and smoking.

-       Schedule treatment 2 weeks before a special occasion or event.

-       Avoid anti-inflammatory medication (Nurofen, Aspirin) seven days before treatment. Consult your doctor prior if necessary.

-       Avoid treatment if you have an active infection to the treatment area.

PDO Mono Thread post-treatment care:

-       Do not apply anything onto the skin for 24 hours.

-       Makeup can be applied 48 hours after treatment.

-       Avoid facial contact with animals for 48 hours.

-       Ice may be applied to soothe the area.

-       If you have bruising you may apply Hirudoid cream.

-       You must sleep face up for 3 nights.

-       Avoid all facial treatments for 3 weeks.

-       Avoid dental surgery for 4 weeks.

-       Avoid saunas or heat treatments for 3 weeks

-       Do not have RF or laser treatments in the same area for 3 months.

-       If threads protrude through the skin, pull them out and discard them.